Mister Potato Event at the Mist

Last Saturday, I found myself at 630pm at a nightclub called "The Mist".

Strangely as it seems, I do enjoy clubbing, but definitely not crazy enough to come THAT early to have a good time.

Neither was I early to ensure that I wouldn't have any trouble of getting a table inside to put my liquor.

Because neither of that was the case.

I was at the Mist not to go clubbing but to be part of a Mister Potato Campaign Event

that was happening there which specially invited bloggers and other media frenzy's that were all waiting outside to get in.

 Though, this time I did not go as a blogger since my blog has practically stopped for the past few months, I was just invited by a close friend of mine to oh well..makan makan and minum minum since I had nothing to do over the weekend in KL.

But above all, I came here because I have never came to this nightclub before which I have heard quite alot of good things about it in the past all the way from Penang.

Upon entering, I am given a bag of Mister Potato Bag which has a lot of junk food which I don't really eat,

and a straw hat that I could probably use it when I'm up in the hills of Cameron Highland Hills plucking tea leaves in the future.

If you're wondering what is the straw hat for, well..the theme for the night was a Mexican theme and i'm quite happy this time around that at least they try to equip us so that all of us would rather be involved with part of theme.

As you have seen in the past, I suck in dressing up for parties with theme's and end up as a social outcast throughout the party. This wasn't the case this time around as everyone came pretty casual.

While of course, there were the die hards that really dressed up to the Mexican theme.  

Let me show you what I mean by Die-HARDS!!

This is one of the things I enjoy about this campaigns, people really take the effort to dress up to the theme, something that we wouldn't really expect from many unsporting Malaysians like myself.

But down here, everything goes. Apparently, they do get something for dressing up like that which I will share with you later.

Inside the Mist, you would of course expect that you would be welcomed at the entrance with well..Mist?

Nope..That did not happen.

However, inside the Mist practically looks like this. A nice great dance floor in front of a small stage where the DJ's roll out their stuff.

VIP area is at the top

The Bar on ground floor.

Upstairs has a VIP area for the specially gifted people.

Leather Seats that is only catered to VIP's who are more gifted than normal gifted people.

This is how it looks like from the top.

And here's the food that awaits us which is of course something you don't get on a normal clubbing weekend.

Coming back to whats happening on the floor.

With all the Mexican Straw Hats being worn, the party got started. Sometimes if you looked closely, you might think that it was a convention for Cameron Highlands vegetable Farmers. Elite Farmers to say the least, all having a good time with free drinks and food.

Here's a picture of how a group of farmers rushing for free things.

Then there was the part of why some of them came dressed up as Mexicans because there was a well-dressed competition with the winner earning himself a cool RM5,000.

That's alot for well...just dressing up as a Mexican rather than plucking leaves in Cameron Highlands which you can never ever see that kind of figure for the next few years compared to one night. Unless of course those leaves are not tea leaves and I don't really want to know what they are....

Then there was also the competition of best Mexican Dancer with Mister Potato leading how the dance should be imitated after him.

Winner also earns himself a cool RM5K while of course 2nd and 3rd will earn something respectively. Enough to buy themselves a blackberry and still have enough cash to pay for their phone bills for the next year or two.

All in all, I really had a great time. Experienced what the club was like and I must say, it looks great. I guess if I had not attended this event, I wouldn't have taken the time to write a post but I must since I took some pictures which I might as well share it with you guys!! Hope you enjoyed the post!


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