Hot News: Peugeot to Give New Face to i-MIEV

Peugeot are to jump on the electric bandwagon, by rebadging the i-MiEV by Mitsubishi.
The two manufacturers have had an agreement since June last year to work together on electric cars, but nothing had been made official until now. The partnership will mean you can see the prancing Peugeot lion logo sitting on the nose of the Japanese i MiEV fairly soon.
It will save Peugeot waiting to develop the technology which has proved increasingly popular. The UK road tax scheme favours those using eco-friendly cars, but until now the french carmaker had no green badge. Depending on the popularity and success of the rebadged i-MiEV, that could all change.
With an identical body to the Japanese micro car, the French make plan to build upon the electric motor, which runs off lithium-ion batteries under the seats. Peugeot Société Anonyme will now have a readily-developed electric vehicle to have at showrooms, and hopes are that they could sell 10,000 MiEVs in 2011, doubling Mistubishi's expected production figures.
Prices will probably be the same as the Mitsubishi, which will remain in Japan. For more details click here.
Thanks to: Auto Express


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